Friday, April 23, 2004

The ways

Stay on my side
Near my journey leg
To the uncertain leads

Stay on my side
Until I can realize
The destination.

You, my friend
Stay on my side
Until I go my way alone
On the next day

Stay on my side
And I will
Go along with you
On the day after

Margot bickel

Saturday, April 17, 2004

The eyes

Your eyes
My friend,
Are the windows of your soul.
I see inside them,
Your sadness
Your aliveness
Your tiredness
Your desire for love
Your loyalty
Your fear
Your hope
Your joy of living

Your eyes
My friend,
Are the windows of your soul
In your gaze
I discover

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Since I love you

Since I love you
You could go
Since I love you
I keep silence
Since I love you
I forgive the lie
Since I love you
I protect the catnip
Since I love you
You are free

A poem from German poet, Margot Bickel

Monday, April 12, 2004

Believe in spring

Open the windows
Breeze is celebrating the locusts’ birthday
And spring
Set alight the candles
On the each branch,
At the side of every leaf
All the swallows came back
And cried out the freshness

The alley has been occupied by songs
And cherry tree
Got the flowers ready
As a gift for locusts’ party.

Open the windows, my friend
Do you remember?
When the ground was burned
Due to a savage desire
Leaves blighted
Do you remember,
What the thirst did to the heart of soil?
Do you remember,
On the darkness of the long nights
What the slaps of chill did to the vine?
What the furious wind did to the hearts of white blooms?
Do you remember?

Believe in rain
And look at
The bounty in the eyes of prairie
And the compassion in the soul of breeze
She is celebrating the locusts’ birthday
In this tight alley
With her devoid hands

Soil has become alive.
Why you are so solid?
Why you are so bored?
Open the windows
Believe in spring.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Who gets benefit of Iraq’s current bloodshed?

Mr. Abtahai in his weblog is demonstrating that Iraq’s recent crisis is in favor of Americans and they get benefit of it more than anyone else. But if we look at the situation deeply we can see that US does not need this kind of disasters. Recent polls in America reveal that Bush’s popularity is going down day by day due to the death of American soldiers in Iraq. Majority of the people are against the war and want to be put end to it. Also Bush, in order to succeed in next election, needs to accomplish his mission in Iraq properly and finish the war with minimum casualties. At the beginning of the war there were lots of disapprovals by the politicians and people around the world, which have been reduced by falling down of Saddam’s statues and his capture.
Unlike Mr. Abtahi, I think Iran’s hard-liners are welcoming to any crisis in Iraq and the region more than any one else. The existence of their regime has always been depended on the convulsions. In Iraq’s case, it seems that they will also get benefit if America does not do well.
If Americans fail in their job in Iraq, the mullahs will be happiest people in the world. In that case they will be sure that neither Iranian nor the world will approve any further invasion of Iran by US army. They are also worried about Bush and his perilous administration. They really want to get rid of Bush and they are ready to do anything to achieve their goal. I strongly believe that Mullahs have been supporting extremist Shiite groups in Iraq for years and that was one the main reasons for starting the eight-year bloody war between Iran and Iraq. Now Mullahs can use these brain washed groups as a vehicle to destabilize Iraq in order to defeat George W Bush.