Willing to deal with each other
For years, Mullahs have been trying to find a way to put an end to their problem with American. After the end of 8-year bloody war between Iran and Iraq and death of Khomeini, Rafsanjani, Iran’s former president, in his presidential terms, which he called it “reconstruction era”, greatly needed to get some help from outside. He tried to open the dialog with Americans. In several interviews and speeches, he indirectly expressed his wishes. But his attempts did not work out and Americans did not respond his demands. He drove his attention toward Europeans and expanded Iran’s ties with EU.
Khatami’s appearance as a moderate and reformist president encouraged Clinton’s administration to take some initiative in order to soften the dilemmas. Maudlin Albright, former US secretary of state, officially apologized for America’s role, played in 1953 coup d'état against Mohammad Mossadegh’s legitimate government. They also asked Iran to support Israel and Palestine’s peace plan. It was a good occasion for reformist groups to take advantage of situation and move to the next step. But purposely or unintentionally, Khatami and his reformist government did not react properly and missed the opportunities. However there are always the groups in both sides, which are highly against any recuperation in relationship between two countries.
After September 11th event and starting a new era of American policy in Middle East, Mullahs have become more conscious that how America could threaten their regime and their power. Being willful to solve their problems with US, they took several steps to show their interests for negotiation. They indirectly cooperated with them in Afghanistan war. During the war they kept the borders closed, provided lots of intelligent aids, and allowed America’s air force to fly over the Iran’s borders. But despite of all their attempts, Bush branded them as a part of “Axis of Evils”, which was not so pleasant for them.
They also did not take any serious steps against the war in Iraq and they even supported it unofficially.
Now their fears are growing up. They are totally aware that their regime would be the next target. Despite of their insisting on not to sign the additional protocol of IAEA, they had to comply with it hoping that would be a positive step to calm down Americans. As result of that, they would also have Europeans’ supports in any possible attack against them.
But apparently, after Iran’s obedience, U.S. seems to be softer. The Bush administration assured Iran on Tuesday that the United States did not favor "regime change" in Tehran and signaled a new willingness to engage in a dialog with Iran over its nuclear program, its alleged support of terrorism and other issues.
Now mullahs are playing a new game. Bunches of highly wanted Taliban are kept in Iran and regime insists to not turn them over to America.
President Ebadi?
Without any doubt, I can say that, the winning of the Nobel peace prize is going to create a new atmosphere in Iran and motivate Iranians in the path of democracy. But the question is how Dr. Shirin Ebadi, winner of the peace prize, could be helpful and effective for her people in passing dangerous paths and doing the most challenging tasks?
She has been working on children and women rights in Mullahs regime for almost twenty years and she has a great experience in those issues. She has also been involved in politic indirectly. However she has never been a political activist or a member of any political groups or parties. As a lawyer, she has a good background as well. She defended the rights of well-know dissidents and victims in the most political trails.
But could all of these approve that she would be a good leader or president too? I say yes she might. Could she be successful? I say no.
Democracy like most other things is not an issue that you can create or fix it from top. It is a long-term process that could be achieved in years. We can make its term shorter and shorter if we concentrate on the main sources of democracy.
I think Ebadi as a lawyer and now as a peace attorney, should draw her friends, colleges and people’s attention toward changing the constitution. In order to achieve human rights and freedom, we need to rewrite our constitution. The people could consult this issue through the Internet too.
The Nobel Peace Prize
Shirin Ebadi, Iranian well- known lawyer has been awarded the Noble peace prize for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She definitely deserved that. Giving this distinguished prize to an Iranian activist who has been promoting and defending human rights in Iran for years, could draw the world attention toward Iran and Iranians’ great effort to obtain democracy and justice. This prize dose not belongs only to Ebadi. It is a great respect to the men and women who despite of all dangers, stayed in Iran to encourage a non-violent movement against Mullahs tyrannical regime.
Four Conditions
For the first time an Iranian official posed conditions for signing on to the additional protocol, which would allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stricter control over the nuclear program and permission to inspect sites unannounced, with or without Tehran's approval. Hashemi Rafsanjani, Iran’s former president has imposed four conditions on signing the protocol. He says that Iran’s national security should not be endangered, Iran’s Islamic values and sacred sites should not be affected, military secrets unconnected with the nuclear program should not be revealed and the other countries should assist Iran with its civilian nuclear program.
Mullahs are very aware of the consequences of their refusal to sign the protocol and also they know what would happen if they sign it. These conditions seem to be quite reasonable but IAEA would not accept most of them. Inspecting the nuclear sites has noting to do with national security. In deed, not allowing IAEA to carry out its job could put Iran and the region in greater danger.
IAEA would not accept that sacred sites be out of its control. It is very clear that the mullahs could and would use this kind of sites to conceal some prohibited materials. Iranians and the most of the world know that the religion and people’s foolish believes are a handy vehicle in the hands of the Mullahs to save themselves from harm.
All mullahs’ attempt is to obtain the atomic bomb, a significant military weapon. IAEA should have access to all shady military sites in order to accomplish its job properly. The inspector would not make any exceptions.
But the fourth condition appears to be acceptable and also convenient for Iranians. Mullahs have been wasting lots of money on the nuclear power plants for years. Russia, as an individual contractor, has been taking advantage as much as it could. Having control of IAEA over the nuclear programs would encourage the other countries to invest and cooperate in the programs. However the people are aware of Mullahs’ ambitions but they would prefer to have the European or possibly American contractors rather than Russians with old and unsophisticated technology.
Second Opportunist!
Like his damn grandfather, he is a typical opportunist and he is trying to take advantage of the situation. He has noting in his hands. He keeps saying that Iran meddling in Iraq, attempting to get nuclear weapon, and harboring terrorists. But when he is asked for some testimonies, he has noting to confirm. Every body is on familiar terms with what Hossein Khomeini points out. In fact the problem is very clear, but the big question is how should the world deal with this terrible dilemma? Neither khomeini, nor most other leaders have any proper solution for this fast growing misfortune. He says that American military intervention in Iran is not a good thing, but may be necessary. But I think any possible military invasion would create a big crisis in Iran and the region. And that is exactly what the people like Khomeini are looking for.